Nostex is a tech based company with a specialism for web accessibility which has been running for over 5 years. It offers the following services;
Website builds, WordPress sites, ecommerce etc. Web accessibility audits, guidance and site testing. Training in WordPress for screen reader users and non screen reader users and Web application development using various open-source platforms and frameworks.
The company was started in 2014 by John Sexton who before that had worked for a London NHS for 12 years as a web developer.
Nostex clients have included;
ACT (ArtsCoachingTraining) offers tactile sensory cards, coaching and training services.
BTS (Braille Transcription Service) a Braille transcription service offering Braille transcribing and more.
Describe Online a community service to help visually impaired to navigate public transport and public places.
MK Vinyl2CD, offering an audio transfer service, putting analogue cassette/vinyl on CD/USB sticks.
Userite, an accessibility specialist. Offering website audits and web accessibility.
John also writes a blog called link is and has written a kindle book about web accessibility and people called ‘Understanding Web Accessibility and People’…